
8:42 PM

I miss reading books.  And not quick, can't-put-down guilty chick-lit, I miss the ones that make you feel alone in your wonder.

It seems all I read and watch is snippets; blogs, tv shows, Facebook.  It's all instant satisfaction which I'm suddenly finding unsatisfactory and it's clogging my head up.  The problem is, it's helluva addictive.  I like checking in on the lives of others, the blogs I follow, they are a part of my day now.  And Facebook is just stupid-making, I can't leave it alone for a day.  So what to do?  Do I have the will-power to tune out, hang up and log off?  Mulling it over....

Louie on the other hand can't get enough of books.  "Tory?  Tory?"  all day long.

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