7:04 PM

Andy's napping, wrapped in white cotton sheets and pillows. An afternoon nap before we head out to watch the Auckland anniversary fireworks and hopefully, a few ciders down by the water. We spent the morning at the markets where I picked up a strange painting for $5 which I'll photograph soon, bought a watermelon and plums and headed off to the beach, Murawai this time to see the ganet colony. Ganets are romantics. They perform the most graceful dance to attract their mate then once mated they stay together forever, travelling each year to Australia then returning to Murawai and their same nest to breed again.
Nesting. We stopped and looked at this sweet relocation home in Kumeu. I loved it. We are thinking Birkenhead might be affordable, went for a drive and there are some beautiful lush sections. Just have to avoid the suburbia blocks. Weird, never thought I'd think of moving away from the city but starting to feel excited about the prospect of our own place...anywhere... with trees and grass and decking. Andy is determined to plant fruit trees as soon as we get a place. Mmmm. Feijoas.
Btw, I know we look like twats with the same fake RayBans but it's ok because fortunately, we are twats.
I made Vietnamese summer rolls last night and ravaged our mint plants...they no longer look like this, more sad and naked. So worth it.