For Louie and Arlo

8:21 PM

For Louie and Arlo,

As I sit here writing to you, you are both snuggled deep in your beds.  We have just read books, snuggled in pjs, played lego, rushed you through teeth brushing and tucked you in.

You boys are the best thing that ever happened to us.

Tonight, when Daddy was settling in on the couch to help you with your school reading book Louie, I looked over at you all, Arlo wriggling about trying to get a good comfy spot on Daddy’s tummy, and an image of your Daddy as a 16 year old boy came to me.  I used to rush into English class to get a seat next to him and we would giggle and laugh and fall in love while learning Shakespeare or Mansfield.  And now, here he sits, my husband, your dad, book in hand, helping you learn how to read.  

Life is wonderful my beautiful boys.

You are everything, you are enough, just as you are.

Mum xxxxx

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