Funny Arlo age 2.10yrs sayings

8:28 PM

Funny Arlo age 2.10yrs sayings:

You think people's names are a link to what they
Shelley; "Does she like Shells?"
Heidi;  "Does she like hide and seek?"
So yesterday when we were reading a book with an Uncle Willy in it...
"So does he like penises?"

We were having a particularly stinky ride in the car with Louie farting (ok, me too...).  We were all grossing out and then you added to the atmosphere and did a poo.  I got you out of the car, changed you and when we got back in to the stinky car you took a great big sniff and said "mmmmmm!  I like my smell, it's like stinky lollies!"

You say "actually" a LOT.  "I think Louie actually did this drawing.  Actually, I helped.  Actually I did lots of it actually.  Actually I think I did it actually."

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