Six Months
10:34 AM
Happy six month birthday Louie my boy. You have grown up with ease and grace, and now, so must I. It is time to shake off First Time Mother's Syndrome.
From here on in I'll try:
* to let you be grizzly/wriggly/grumpy/quiet without Googling "my baby is grizzly/wriggly/grumpy/quiet"
* not to photograph every little thing you do all the time and instead;
* to spend more time watching you grow, learn and be
* to keep discovering the world alongside you
* not to worry when you change the rules
* to enjoy you, at your pace
* not to let the grizzles get to me
* to continue doing all I can to ensure you are happy
* to stop at least 80% of the pointless worrying
* to let the guilt go
* to be more confident in my decisions
* to listen to and trust my instincts
You are total amazingness Smoosh. I love you more than you will ever know.