Things That Are Blissful and Amazing: Week 1!
12:12 PM1. Checking out Charlotte Rust's house in Auckland (The Selby)
2. Being told by our landlords that we can get a cat - YAAAAY! This little guy's a Devon Rex.
3. Sarah's dahl and yogurt
4. Finding new vintage fabrics
5. Reading Gordon McLauchlan's 'Loving All of It' with the windows open to the rain
"Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forwards" Søren Kierkegaard
6. All The Mountains blog seems to always introduce me to wonderous things. This week I discovered Kiss my Spatula (5) and Irina Graewe's eclectic interiors (6) - awesome curation.
7. Hearing Tiny Ruins for the first time as I drove to work, now a little bit obsessed - new album out 30 May Tiny Ruins - 'Little Notes' by SpunkRecords