Louie is freaking turning one. Just too crazy for words. Yesterday I came out of the bedroom to find Andy and Louie putting his swing up. Louie was kinda crouching on his knees helping to untangle the rope, he looked up at me, flashed a mega squinty-eyed power grin and then continued his mission with his dad. My heart broke because it was such a proper little boy moment. He is just not a baby anymore to me, he is this delicious, social, adventurous, brave, honey of a boy. Argggh I love him so much it kills me.
He turns one on Feb 16 while we are at some best mate's wedding so will do our celebrating a bit later. We've a lot of people to thank for this amazing first year of Louie's life...time to get the burgers and beer in.
- 1:09 PM